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Girl, you are capable of ANYTHING

Yes, you can. Period. You are capable of literally anything you put your mind to. Will it take work? Obviously. Will it require some sacrifice? Possibly. But I am so confident in your ability to figure it out.

Want to start a business? You're capable.

Want to return to school and change careers? You're capable.

Want to invest in the stock market or crypto or nfts? You're capable.

Want to lose 20, 30, 50 pounds? You're capable.

Want to play tennis? You're capable.

Want to be a Mama to 10 sweet kiddos? You're capable.


Just because you're capable of something doesn't mean you should do it. Being capable does not mean you're qualified (yet).

Being capable of anything does not mean you should do everything. You have to set firm boundaries, you have to know your capacity and you have to say no.

When you are starting a business there is so much to learn and figure out. You are learning how to start and build a business and become a CEO - these are skills most of us don't have prior to starting our first business. We're figuring it out, day by day, learning from mistakes, learning from others, reading ALLL the personal development books. Then there is also the actual SERVICE part of the business - what will you REALLY be doing day in and day out. You wear a lot of hats in the beginning of building a business and you fulfill a lot of different roles - CEO, COO, CFO, Admin, Accountant, Bookkeeper, Marketer, Copywriter, Social Media Manager, Customer Service Specialist, Sales Manager and more! So learning allllll of that (which you're highly capable of) AND also simultaneously trying to learn a new skill (that you're also really capable of learning) is often a recipe for burnout and frustration. It's also a slower route to revenue. Which is what ultimately makes a business a business and not a hobby. You already have skills that are monetizable. You have skills that solve someone else's problem, I promise. You have skills that are marketable. It makes the most sense to focus on learning how to run a business and put the service you offer on cruise control. Start with a skill you have and build a business around that. THEN once your business is up and running, if you want to, you can learn a new skill and center your business around that.

Need to know! What was the very first service you offered? Mine was email + calendar management.


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