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Visibility is Everything

You know you're great at what you do. You know what you do makes a difference. Your clients are happy.

But you feel like actually getting clients is so freaking hard.

Do not go and change everything. I am sure your services are awesome, I know your pricing is right.

I am going to guess you're just not getting the visibility you need to reach your goals. #itsmath

You need more eyes on you!

Sales statics BLOW MY MIND y'all. But the truth of the matter is only about 2% - 3% of your audience converts - that means 2% - 3% of your network, Instagram followers, email list, Podcast listeners - whatever your audience is, 2% - 3% of them will buy from you. Let's use me as an example. I have 3500 on my Instagram, which means approximately 70 of those people will buy from me. I am only using my Instagram because I would say 100% of my email list comes from Instagram or Facebook and I am not using Facebook because I really think 100% of those people come from Instagram too. If we add Facebook to my network I'm at 3800 people. Okay so I went into my Dubsado and saw I have 111 (what a lucky number) clients! Boom 2.9%. Now YOU try it and tell me what YOUR conversation rate is.

So what does that mean? If you want to sell more - you need to get your offer, get yourself in front of MORE people. No this doesn't mean you have to have a million followers to be successful, this doesn't mean you have to have an email list in the tens of thousands - there are lots of ways to get in front of your ideal client. Think about it, every 50 people will equate to 1 sale.

My absolute favorite way to get more visible is asking for referrals and getting testimonials. Why? Because it's so much easier to sell to a warm lead. Warm leads convert at a rate between 20% - 30% or more than 10 times than your broad audience.

Another way to get more visible is to take the conversation OFFLINE and IN PERSON. Yes, talk to other humans in real life about your business.

How can you get in front of 50 more people this month? Not just once, but repeatedly?


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