This year has been going at warp speed and a snail’s pace all at the same time but here we are. Fall has arrived and kids are back to learning, in-person or virtually, and people generally seem to be back into the swing of work and a somewhat “normal routine” again, whatever that means for them.
And with this refocus on work usually comes a time of self-reflection for many of us. A time to go inward and see if the life we’re creating is one that brings us joy. If our work is lighting us up. If we’re creating a career we’re proud of.
So now I’ll turn it over to you. Are you creating the business of your dreams? Or are you letting fear, doubt and imposter syndrome hold you back? If you are, let’s unpack this a little.
Fear can be a good thing. It ignites our fight or flight response which is a basic human response and most of the time is helpful to our every day survival but in business, it can be paralyzing and you can’t move forward if you’re paralyzed with fear.
Doubting yourself is also a common feeling we all come across, but I ask you, why not you? Why are you doubting that you can do exactly what it is you dream of? Lots of people get to live this kind of life every day; a life by design, a life that lights their fire. So why can’t you? Why do you doubt your brilliance but are quick to praise others?
Maybe it’s because of a little thing called imposter syndrome, otherwise known as feeling like you’re not good enough; a fraud and are inadequate when compared others in your field. Many people have imposter syndrome despite a great deal of business success. Listen, we all have imposter syndrome from time to time but you should be confident in your abilities. You know everything you’ve gone through to get where you are in your business and in life so why do you constantly feel like everyone else is better than you?
Well, I’m here now to tell you enough is enough! All this fear, doubt and de-valuing of yourself, your skills and your worth have to stop if you’re ever going to move forward in your business. Mindset is the key here because what you think about you bring about and what you focus on expands. If you’re constantly afraid, that fear will only continue to grow until you are stuck in the self-doubt spiral and can’t find your way out.
But I have some good news, you are 100% in control of your mindset. So let’s change the narrative.
There. This statement. Say it to yourself over and over again. Whenever a challenge presents itself and you want to turn back to your old friend fear, repeat this statement. Repeat it over and over until you truly believe it, until you live it each and every day and then watch what changes. Watch your attitude change, watch your relationships change, watch your business change. It’s amazing what shifting the story you tell yourself can do for every aspect of your life.
So go and dream your biggest dreams my friend and know every day that you can accomplish great things. You already have one believer right here with you 😊